What Is Aftercare Like for Kybella® Injections?

While a double chin might be nothing more than a small pocket of fat, it can be one of the most frustrating things to deal with—especially if you still can’t get rid of the unwanted bulge from this area after reaching your goal weight. Fortunately, you don’t have to live with that frustration if you don’t want to. Double chin-reducing Kybella® injections from our Newton-based Dr. Happe Medical Aesthetics are effective, minimally invasive, and cause little discomfort. This makes them a great option for reducing stubborn fat below the chin—especially for people who don’t want to have invasive facial plastic surgery.

One of the main questions patients typically have for us about Kybella® is what they can expect right after the injections and during the following days. 

Patients can expect minor side effects after a treatment session, including bruising, swelling, inflammation, tenderness, itching, numbness in the injection site, and other inconveniences. None of these should prevent patients from resuming their normal activities after having this treatment, but keep in mind that the swelling can sometimes cause some discomfort. Some patients may decide to stay at home and wait it out, while others get right back to work and social activities. 

Avoid excess consumption of salt and alcohol for 24 hours before and 48 hours after treatment, gently massage the area as soon as you can tolerate it, and use Tylenol as needed to help with the soreness—but avoid ibuprofen or other antiinflammatories. The more swelling you get in the 48 hours after the procedure the better the results will be, so embrace the swelling.

Don’t plan your treatment the month before a special event or occasion. Even though the most obvious swelling will go down after the first week, many patients report having residual swelling, jiggling on the chin area, or firmness for several weeks while the fat cells are being broken down. The expected duration of minor side effects typically ranges from anywhere between 48 hours to two weeks, with a return to “baseline” by week three or four. Final results are typically visible around week 10. If you decide to have multiple Kybella® sessions, try to space them out by six weeks to give your body enough time to heal and break down fat, as this reduces the overall risk of swelling and other side effects. 

Double chin reduction can make your jawline look slimmer and more sculpted. For more information about Kybella® injections, contact the Dr. Happe Medical Aesthetics team. Call us at (617) 597-2600 or fill out a contact form if you are interested in setting up a consultation. 

Dr. Happe Medical Aesthetics

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15 Homestead St., Newton / Waban, MA 02468

Phone (617) 597-2600

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