Revive Your Skin with Microneedling Plus Collagen Induction Therapy

After years of daily exposure to sunlight and other harsh elements, as well as natural aging processes, our skin sometimes needs a bit of a refresher. If topical products alone aren’t doing the trick, it may be time to try targeting the skin on a deeper level. For patients in Newton, microneedlingand collagen induction therapy available from Dr. Happe Medical Aesthetics can be a fast, non-surgical way of bringing new life to the complexion.

In basic terms, the treatment involves making tiny holes in the facial skin and infusing it with a nutrient-rich component of the patient’s own blood. This strategy may sound a little strange at first, but the innovative procedure is gentle enough for even the most squeamish of patients—and no artificial substances are involved.

Collagen and elastin are structural proteins responsible for keeping skin strong, smooth, and supple. Unfortunately, in our mid-20s, collagen starts to break down faster, even as the skin produces less of it as a replacement. One way of correcting the resulting reduction in collagen levels is with microneedling—also a solution for hair restoration, as well as improving lax skin, wrinkles, oversized pores, pigmented lesions, and scars.

During a microneedling session, tiny needles prick the skin. The hundreds of resulting controlled injuries induce gradual collagen regeneration and new cell turnover while allowing the skin to take in topical serums more effectively.

Therapeutic use of this liquid component is based on the premise that the regenerative abilities of special parts of our blood, including platelets, can be harnessed to heal the skin. At the beginning of a session, your face is cleansed and a topical anesthetic may be applied. Given Dr. Holly Happe’s background and education, Dr. Happe Medical Aesthetics makes patient comfort a priority. Next, a blood sample is taken, then filtered through a centrifuge to isolate and process the plasma. The resulting liquid is then re-injected into the treatment zone.

Collagen induction therapy combines well with microneedling, since the tiny holes increase the skin’s ability to absorb nutrients into its underlying layers, where platelets can boost the healing benefits of the treatment. Patients may need a few days of downtime, during which time they’re encouraged to avoid sun exposure and may experience light bruising or swelling. After that, the skin will gradually improve in tone and texture as new collagen grows.

For more tips on microneedling and collagen induction therapy, contact Dr. Happe Medical Aesthetics in Waban by calling 617-597-2600 or submitting a request for a consultation.

Dr. Happe Medical Aesthetics

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15 Homestead St., Newton / Waban, MA 02468

Phone (617) 597-2600

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